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Hokie Feature: Brian Yohn

Brian Yohn, the Assistant Director of Creative Services for Student Affairs Communications, found his quarantine community through the Employee Hokie Movement Club.

“[After] being cooped up in the house for several months, I realized I was in a rotten mood, and my wife suggested I get out of the house for a change of scenery. This club was one way I could not only take a break but I could get the added benefit of some much needed fresh air and exercise.”

Week 4 of the Employee Movement Club challenged participants to “get creative” with their movement submissions, and Brian won with his Shel Silverstien inspired poem and drawing. 

“I have always loved Shel Silverstein's poetry and illustrations, and got an itch to create something inspired by his work after my run. I jotted down a rough draft of the poem, got some editing help from my smart and talented wife, Holly, made some final edits to the poem, then drew the illustration of myself running through a cloud of mosquitoes.” 

In these uncertain times Brian reminds us to, “find or build your community,” just as he has with the Employee Movement Club.

Running for My Life

A poem by Brian Yohn

I went for a little run,

I wasn’t gone for long.

Not 26.2 miles,

it was only one.


The thermometer said it was 73,

So why was I sweating so?

It must be the humidity...

Felt more like 2-0h-0h.


Maybe the wind will blow,

just a little please?

When I inhaled deeply,

With each breath, a wheeze.


There were many clouds of insects through which my body tore,

I’m certain they were mosquitoes.

I counted 4,044.


As I struggled up the hill

to cross the finish line,

I realized why I don’t like running,

(It hasn’t become a habit yet)

But that is totally fine.